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Ride 6 in The Purple Jalopy

There is no peace in the midst of distraction except to realize what it is and, then, love it away. By returning to center, you return to...

Ride 5 in The Purple Jalopy

Know that we are with you at all times. Know that we speak to you and guide you. But, our words and our touches are only heard and felt...

Ride 4 in The Purple Jalopy

We cannot tell you enough how much you are loved. We speak to you throughout the day through signs, symbols and numbers. Take notice. Do...

Ride 3 in The Purple Jalopy

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic the stress in people's lives is amped up. If you manage people in your job, you inevitably manage their...

Ride 2 in The Purple Jalopy

I radiate love, compassion, kindness and peace into a fearful world. Take my hand in this dream. Walk with me and just be. Receive the...


Thanks for stopping by to check out my new blog, The Purple Jalopy. A few months back, I was inspired to share some of my daily...

Ride 1 in The Purple Jalopy

You are not an island even though you may feel like one. This is a time for those invisible, underlying connections to grow and surface....

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