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  • Linda Thoma

Ride 3 in The Purple Jalopy

Because of the Covid-19 Pandemic the stress in people's lives is amped up. If you manage people in your job, you inevitably manage their stress. If you care for an elderly parent, not only are you managing their stress, too, but you are trying your best to not bring home the virus and contaminate them. If your life before Covid-19 was stressful and now you are not working due to government regulations, you have fewer options to be apart or distanced from the stressor.

Now is the perfect time to turn inward, to hear what your intuition, innate, guides and Spirit are saying to you---how much you are loved, how powerful you are in that you can handle this. We've got your back. We're here for you. You'll get through this. Cut yourself a break and lead with your heart. Love yourself first and foremost.

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